Onboarding Guide - Sales special!

Onboarding Guide - Sales special!

This guide has been written by experts in recruitment and the sales profession. Discover the best practices for successful Onboarding.

Guide co-written by Modjo and Ignition Program

Guide co-written by Modjo and Ignition Program

The sales role has one of the highest turnover rates, for two main reasons:

  1. It takes time to become fully operational and even more to build a client portfolio. There are numerous skills and knowledge areas to master, and it often takes months to reap the rewards of one’s efforts.
  2. Variable compensation affects motivation. A salesperson who underperforms won’t stay long.

That's why it's crucial to provide effective onboarding and support for skill development to give new hires the best chance to achieve their targets.

This Sales Onboarding Guide provides a step-by-step approach to progressively build skills, from the initial hire through to six months after they join.

In our guide, created by onboarding experts, you’ll find:

  • Step-by-step advice to optimize the skill development of your new hires.
  • A Notion template that you can use or duplicate to enhance the integration of your new team members.