Instill a coaching culture in your sales teams

Instill a coaching culture in your sales teams

Find out how to introduce a coaching culture into your sales teams with two speakers who have already done it for companies such as Doctolib, Criteo and Modjo.

A program proposed by Modjo and AtScale

A program proposed by Modjo and AtScale

Modjo ist Gastgeber eines außergewöhnlichen Webinars, in dem ein Thema diskutiert wird, das im Mittelpunkt leistungsstarker Verkaufsorganisationen steht:

How to Establish a Coaching Culture in Sales Teams?

If you haven't yet implemented personalized development plans, peer-to-peer learning, scorecards, and self-assessment, then this session will provide you with plenty of inspiration to boost your team's coaching efforts.

The format is simple: a 45-minute discussion on the best practices to implement, featuring Pierre Trannoy – Co-founder of AtScale and former VP Sales at Criteo.


  • Promoting a coaching culture within your sales teams
  • Best practices to implement right now
  • Resources to maximize the impact of coaching
  • 15-Minuten-Q&A

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