Turn CRM data into a performance gas pedal with Modjo

Turn CRM data into a performance gas pedal with Modjo

45 minutes to share the best practices implemented by our customers: An unfiltered sharing of experiences to discover Modjo and tips to implement right away.

Webinar - Sharing experiences with Akeneo

Webinar - Sharing experiences with Akeneo

45 minutes to share the best practices implemented by our clients:

👉 Unfiltered experience sharing.👉 Actionable advice to implement right away with Modjo.


  • Centralize all quantitative and qualitative information in your CRM with Modjo.
  • Optimize onboarding and sales coaching to accelerate skill development.
  • Align all teams with the same level of information for a successful customer experience.
  • F&A

Live session hosted by:

▸ Modjo - The platform dedicated to sales team productivity and performance.

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